
“Arise To Your Resting Place – Psalm 132:8” is #131.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

This is perhaps the most powerful, passionate, and all-inclusive article I’ve ever written. I will be podcasting it perhaps tomorrow after I podcast and post the transcript to the second in the series, “Hebrews Chapter 2.”

I say it is perhaps the most powerful revelation I have ever written on because I got up this morning, fixed something to eat for breakfast, and while doing so, He hit me hard in my spirit with the verse “Arise O Yah to Your Resting Place, You and the Ark of Your Strength…” in Psalm 132:8. Over and over He said to me: “Arise Oh Yah to Your resting place.” I began writing down what He was saying on a note pad by my chair in the living room. When I began writing this article, He kept expanding. All I did was write what He was speaking to my spirit, and looking up Scriptures that He referred to me.

Be sure to look up the Scriptures for yourself and read in context. I recommend that you read 1-2 paragraphs at a time of this article, and make sure you understand what He is saying before you go on. Learn what He is saying from Him, not me! Learn what He is personally saying to you and is throughout His Word. He always confirms His Word to us personally in our spirit.

Let these truths go into your spirit. If you intellectually read it and do not look up the Scriptures and read in context asking the Spirit to teach you, your carnal reasoning will take over, the words of man and of fallen ones will control your mind, and you’ll be so overwhelmed that you might throw what He is saying to you in your mental trashcan. I did NOT write this to anyone’s carnal intellect or emotions. I gave up a long time ago writing to the game-players of religions – the intellectual fakes, the carnal minded, the lovers of their head beliefs, the adorers of man, yet who do not know Yahuwah nor Yahushua from the preverbal “hole in the wall” of American slang. If you are not Spirit taught, you might have no clue as to what I’m revealing here that is so dear to the heart of Yahuwah. Religious man has no clue about life lived in His Presence, knowing Him personally. Most are not even born of the Spirit, as in John 3, let alone obeying the Master Yahushua as Master. Yet King David knew Him as Master. I have walked with Him for most of 73 years.

If you are a new believer, newly born again, truly born again, and crave to know the deep things of Yahuwah and Yahushua, take it slow, read all the Scriptures, and pray that the Spirit of Yahuwah will become your Teacher.

Read John 16. Messiah said He had to “go away” in order for the Spirit of Yahuwah to be able to come and dwell within your body as His temple.

Don’t tell me “so and so said this, or “said that.”  You hear from Yahuwah as you study His Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 with Him. Then the Truth will witness to your spirit, and you will begin to grow into a mature child of Yahuwah.

Most people don’t even know what it means to be “born again,” or “saved.” As you form a deep relationship with Father and Son, He will reveal the truth of that to you. Humility is knowing what you are, and who you are, in the eyes of Yahuwah. There is no pride, there is no fleshly emotion, there is only peace when one is humble before the Master.

The great apostasy is happening to a high degree. People who won’t let go of their relationship with Father and Son as taught by the Spirit of Yahuwah, are separating from those who are intellectually religious but do not know Them.

If all you know to do is criticize and judge others, I suggest that you go to Abba about it and see what He says to you personally about yourself. Pray Psalm 139:23-24. We all need to pray those verse in some way every day.

I gave up writing for those playing religious games a long time ago, the argumentative types, the critical types, the judging types, those who obviously do not know what it means to be born again, for there is no nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah manifesting their lives. We are not called up on judge anyone, but we can, and must, be sensitive to the fruit that others bear. We can’t be naïve. Do these religious ones not know that we must have His nature to enter His Kingdom?

I gave up writing to general audience a long time ago. I now exclusively write for those who are humble, who are hungry to know Abba and Yahushua and serve them – the Daniel 11:32 remnant that is rising all over the earth and uniting in the salvation of Yahushua and the Spirit of Yahuwah. I include writing to edify and disciple, build-up and strengthen, new believers who are growing in the favor of Elohim, or older believers who are turning serious about their salvation.

In His love, shalom, blessings, Yedidah

February 21, 2021

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