
“Apostasy Precedes The Coming of the Beast’s Reign – An Indication of What Time It Is On Yahuwah’s Calendar” is #208.0 under Present Reality.”

I hope you in America have had a good Thanksgiving Day! It is Thanksgiving Day every day for a child of Yahuwah anywhere in the world who understands the enormity of what it means to be “saved.” We are so thankful to be in His family because His Son was willing to take our place on the stake, to take our punishment for our sin, so that we might have eternal life. We will spend eternity praising Him, as we see in Revelation 5.

We are so thankful for what He is to us as we dwell in His Presence and prepare to enter His Kingdom. Oh “to know Him, and the power of His resurrection…!” There is such peace in knowing Him. Thanksgiving praise lifts us up in all ways–in mind, emotions, in spirit, and physically. It tears the bonds of depression, oppression, heaviness and self-pity off of us so that we do not sink in to the pit like the world’s people, or like believers who are now falling away from simple child-like faith in our precious Abba and our Beloved Savior. Oh to dwell in the “secret place of the Most High.” It is life in the Kingdom even now.

This article is longer than usual because it contains 4 articles with statistics of the great falling away that is happening now, primarily in America, as well as England, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. However, world-over those facing things they are not prepared for are falling away faith in the Word of Yahuwah. They are denying sound doctrine that has been the bed-rock of faith in the Word, in the Savior, for nearly 2,000 years. The foundations of earth are literally breaking up in response to the breaking up of the foundations of faith by those who have called Him “Savior.”

At the same time, the 50+ countries where believers are suffering from great persecution, the faith-level is rising, the people are getting stronger, and are sharing the Good News even in the face of death. It is through the “pressure” of the “tribulum” a Latin word for an ancient farm instrument that threshes grain from where we the word “tribulation,” that we slot into one of the four groups of the parable of the sower in Mark 4. The fourth group are those born again who do not deny their Savior unto death, and bear the fruit of the Spirit 30, 60, or 100-fold. The first three groups either are never born again or fall away to damnation. It is this “falling away from faith” or “apostasy” that we are watching.

Today the great falling away is being documented by research-experts. It is shocking in many ways, yet Yahushua told us that it would come. The apostle Sha’ul in II Thessalonians 2 told us that this great apostasy would come FIRST and THEN the man of sin, the “apolia,”/Apollyon (Revelation 9:11) would come to power – the 4th Beast of Daniel 7, the Beast of Revelation 13.

This “antichrist” being cannot rise to power as long as the restraining force of the children of light is holding him back – thus the great divide is taking place and the real believers are getting brighter, while the pretenders are getting darker and darker. Much martyrdom is coming to try to remove the restrainers. Yet, Yahuwah will not leave the earth without witness to Him!

You may be really shocked at this increase in this trend that has gone on for at least 3 decades but increased greatly since 2016. The stats are from the Barna Group Surveys and others and reflect a reality we never thought would ever happen.

The results of these surveys is being exposed by the watchmen clearly in confirmation. I see it myself. Because of it, and the apathy to act on the warnings of the watchmen for many decades, few are prepared for the fast track that we’re moving on now. So, the word is going out via prophecies, via visons, dreams, and knowing in the Spirit, that the time of warning is “officially over.” Only edifying the set-apart ones will continue, the strengthening of faith, the cheering them on.

This is why I am emphasizing what will cause His set-apart ones to overcome and be victorious in the face of the enemy – to stand strong with no fear, knowing Abba and Messiah personally and having learned to trust Him explicitly. In our submission and obedience to Them, They learn to trust us. Relationship is formed and peace keeps us sane. I’ve written about, and podcasted about, the warnings being stopped now – “for the battle is at the gate.” Amos 5:10, 13… The watchmen have come down off the wall, because those they warned about are actually at the door of America and every nation on earth. The prepared in all ways, especially spiritually, will have His help.

Blessings to you, love, Yedidah

November 26, 2020 7:00 PM CDT







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