By default, the new month was declared just after sunset last night, October 18, 2020, ending the 30th day of Tishre. On the 29th day of Tishre, October 17th, at sunset in Jerusalem the new moon was not seen by two or more witnesses. Hebrew months are 30 days each. So, today is Heshvan 1, October 19th.
We are “in the days of Noah” and the sailing of the ark. As Jasher tells us, it took Noah and sons 5 years to build the ark. Messiah spoke of the “days of Noah” being the days of the judgment of Yahuwah on sinful mankind and the Nephalim children of fallen angels, or the Nephal.
Heshvan is the 8th month on the Festival calendar – “8” being the number for new beginnings. It is the month that Noah entered the ark. His time was long before the Exodus 12:3 Festival calendar was given to us via Moses. The Tishre calendar, or the Creation calendar, gives us the progression of Yahuwah’s time-cycles of 7 years from Creation week – Genesis 1:3 ff. It is His calendar for logging human history, world history, as well as His timing for return of Messiah.
The Aviv calendar of Exodus 12:2 is “for you…for you.” It begins with Aviv as the first month of the Festival calendar of His people. The seven festivals picture the plan of salvation from Messiah’s death (Passover) to His wedding feast (Sukkot). Exodus 12:2: “And יהוה spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 `This month is the beginning of months for you, it is the first month of the year for you.’ ” Thus, Aviv 1 is the New Year for His children.
In the days of Noah, nearly 5,000 years ago, what we call “Heshvan” was month 2 on the Creation calendar. The Creation calendar was the first known calendar of earth. Today it is as valid as it was then, only, since Exodus 12:2 the New Year begins with day 1 of Aviv to head the Festival year, and Tishre is the 7th month. Like in America, and in many other nations, there are two calendars (or more) for different tracking of time for different reasons.
What is exciting about Heshvan is that the judgment of the flood began on the 17th day, and ended on First Fruits – the day of resurrection – the 7th month, at that time, by the Creator’s calendar – on the 17th day of Aviv. From Genesis 8: “And in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat.” The ark sailed on the 17th of Heshvan – Genesis 7:11, and landed on Aviv 17.
For some reason, I love the month of Heshvan. Perhaps because I have tracked the “days of Noah” since the early 1960s. I have also tracked the Festival calendar since 1963. Heshvan is very special to me in the eternal-realm. It represents the preservation of the remnant in the midst of judgment. Noah and his family and representative creatures of earth sailed away to safety, while the rest of earth’s evil ones, fallen ones, perished in the Flood – those “Nephlim” with human bodies. Noah was trusted by Yahuwah – a very high privilege! He obeyed Yahuwah explicitly, and was rewarded for it by deliverance from His wrath. (See Ezekiel 14) Yahuwah’s wrath came with the Flood. In our day, He will judge the earth by fire, and at Messiah’s coming with His wrath destroy all that defiles, as He raises the righteous to new life.
This is the month of final preparation for judgment. As Abba showed spoke to me on September 26th, and to many other watchmen too, His judgment began in earnest – as we progress forward to the return of Yahushua. Use this month to do what Noah did in obedience to Yahuwah – prepare! Prepare with food, water, vitamins, medicines, whatever you need, and finish the building of your ark spiritually as well.
In His love, Yedidah
October 19, 2020