
“Alien Disclosure” is #234.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality, but also under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

Here I give you up-to-date information from inside sources and public news that is preparing the world to receive “aliens,” aka fallen angels and Nephilim, mutates and hybrids of their creation from mixing this and that as Enoch I, Jasher, Jubilees, and Genesis 6:1-4 tell us about. They’ll terrify people, but at the same time, cause an overwhelming desire in people to worship them as gods.

This disclosure has been planned a long time, as under the heading “Project Blue Beam.” I give you references to that information. But here I present up-to-date information from two men who have known about this for many years and warned people, L.A. Marzulli and “Mike from around the world” both on Paul Begley’s broadcast Thursday June 10th. Steve Quayle has given information on this also that few are privy to. The public news is talking about it – which means it’s on the docket for “soon.”

Blessings as you learn and apply wisdom in action!

Shalom, Yedidah

June 14, 2021

P.S.: Please ask Abba about being a part-time supporter, even if not regular giver. I lost my main supporter due to sad circumstances in their life. After over 21 years of ministry on-line, I only have about seven faithful supporters monthly. I feel like they are friends, even though I’ve not met most of them.

Because I live very frugally, I don’t need a lot, but I do need rent and living expenses and groceries and gas for my car. I long for the world to come, but I’m still here (smile). All I ask of you is that if you have been blessed and are growing in the Word by the articles and podcasts, consider sharing in helping me in this need.

Another thing, HalleluYah, I have the chance to have a small cottage of my own out in the country near my son’s house. I’m talking a 450-500 square foot cottage. Because of my years of traveling for the Master, I don’t have lots of possessions.

I have a small savings, but it is not big enough to cover the building of much. I do not want to use my savings for rent, utilities, etc. I want it to go for my cottage.

Just ask Abba what He wants of you. I sure don’t want anyone giving to me out of obligation, guilt, or religion. I just want those whom I bless to ask Him what to do. That’s it! Thank you!

For offerings, gifts, tithe, please use one of these two options

1) For giving via check or money order: Make all out to Charlotte Townsend, P.O. Box 3244, Cleburne, Texas, 76033 or

2) Use the Pay Pal Option under “Contact” on the main page of the website, upper righthand corner. My son Derek manages this option, but all gifts come to me.

I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!

65.5 KiB

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