Shalom, greetings!

“Afghanistan Update! For Your Knowledge and Prayers” is #136.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality, also under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

This is added information that you really must understand for praying correctly, and thinking correctly about this botched pullout. Too many things just “feel wrong.” That is because too many things are wrong.

It appears that this was set up from at least 2001, but probably beforehand. The reason for the 9/11 event that led to chasing the dead man, Osama bin Laden, into Afghanistan began before that. The ones who pulled off 9/11 were not Muslims of any type. Osama had zero to do with any of it!

I recommend the “cliff hanger” non-fiction book of pure, hard, undefiled truth by David Icke: The Trigger. Not only does it tell who did it on 9/11/01, but why it was done, and then Icke goes on to tell who is at the top … who is actually pulling strings (allowed by Abba of course) in the human realm. It’s a shocker, but it’s true. Why 9/11 in the first place. Adding 1 + 1 truth leads us to 2.

We’re looking at the Hegelian Dialectic being exposed – which began with 9/11.

Nearly always, the greatest evil is masked as the greatest good. So that even when the evil is exposed, people won’t believe it. To this day, people really believe the “official story” of 9/11.

More will be exposed as the days go along. However, with it will come more lies and deceptions wrapped around up in the news, so that the truth is hidden for the most part.

Let us pray that we won’t have another “Iran hostage situation” tagged on to the Afghanistan pull out. Here’s a question that arises from actual events: Why are young military Afghan men being flown out with our soldiers to a military base in Wisconsin and another base in Texas – while over 10,000 American civilians are trapped by the Taliban?

This short update holds a lot of surprising information. Pray that the true be exposed before the nation.

In His love, Yedidah

August 19, 2021



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