Shalom, in the Name of Yahuwah!

“Afghanistan! Truth Can Hurt! The Reason For It All!”/Mikvah of Present Reality, #235 or under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

The number given of “hits” with each article is from subscribers opening their letters. The articles and podcasts go into nations all over the world. Many are not subscribers. I am privileged to hear from some in other nations via e-mail. To e-mail me, use the “Contact” tab at the top of the main page. Blessings!!! Shalom to you all, strength, and purity in our Elohim!

Like the last article posted with loads of news update, this one has current news to do with the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. I really go into a lot of underlying truth that we can only find by digging to find truth, led by Yahushua exclusively. He wants us to know the truth about all the lies we’ve been told so that we do not adore and give worshipful honor to something controlled by the world of fallen angels. Let us bow the knee to the One Sha’ul wrote about in Philippians 2. Since all on the earth, in heaven, and under the earth will worship and adore and give honor to Yahushua ha Machiach, we, His redeemed disciples, have the privilege of doing it now, “to the esteem and honor of Yahuwah.”

I give you a lot of inside information that comes from sources not available to the public-media controlled majority. But, as always, I ask you to take it to Yahuwah in prayer, read the Scriptures I recommend, read the articles I recommend, and be led by the Spirit to further truth. Never decide what you believe from your own reasoning or the opinions of others. Only One has the purity to give you 100% truth – the Spirit of Yahuwah (John 16, etc.) – who is Yahuwah Himself. When you tap into His Truth, and love it, He makes sure you receive Truth!

There are many websites out there now with various reporters from various groups – Christian, Messianic, and Seculars, who are indeed telling the truth. Abba has limited me to just a couple of main seasoned “watchmen” who have contacts in high places – telling truth with inside information. These, and the few they recommend and support, have proven track records over the years for astute accuracy. I also do my own research, which backs up the truth.

Key watchmen are being shut down via YouTube, and so are having to go to alternative channels. They are also on lists for being “removed” from being able to report – so that truth is totally silenced. I report only what Abba has taught me, which all aligns to the Word, and is confirmed by those He has led me to.

Many plans are showing their heads now – but their creators are not ready to come out of their holes in the ground in full light of day YET to openly perform the plans. So, truth-reporting often sounds spurious simply because of exposing what is planned but not yet executed.

To wait until it actually goes into frontal force, is not going to warn the believers to prepare or act. By knowing inside information, the true believers who love truth and are not deceived, will act, and go forward in strength. (Daniel 11:32) We’re in the days just on the verge of the appearing of the world ruler in physical form. WWIII was planned back in 1871, but is just now ready to be put into motion in order to destroy America and prepare the world for the Beast ruler of Revelation 13:1-10. However, the Beast system is already well along with its set-up.

Yahuwah is keeping me up in the night answering questions I’ve had for years. He wants to answer your honest questions as to what He is saying in His Word. Don’t shut Him off!

In His love, Yedidah

August 18, 2021

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I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!

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