Afghanistan and Pakistan! Plus Shocking U.S. Involvement You Must Know” is #238.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

This article is literally packed with information that you must know in order to pray correctly, but also as a warning of how near we are to being destroyed as a nation here in America. This information has been confirmed. It is shocking. It is overwhelming in some ways. But you must know it in order to focus on what Yahuwah is saying to you. Act quickly on His leading!

Why do I say “You Must Know?” I’ve been doing research for over 30 years on end-time events. Sometimes, I wondered why. Like my over-a-year study on Hitler and how he paved the way for the new world order via the U.S. I asked Abba why I had to know all that stuff? His reply was constant: “Keep reading! You have to know it!”

The water crisis in California, Arizona, and Nevada especially is reaching its peak. The dams are too low, the electric power is in danger. Drinking water is in danger of drying up. The lakes and rivers are too low. The rationing of water is coming soon! You who can, the word from the watchmen is, “get out!” Years ago, He gave me a dream in California, and told me to get out. Our family, at that time of 4, left for North Carolina. It was the right thing to do, for He has blessed!

My education from the late 1980s to now could probably get me several PhDs. I know what is true and what is a lie, what is deceit, what is a plan in progress. He has let me in on His timing. I’m getting confirmation from those He has chosen for me to learn from, as well as books. He’s reduced me down to confirmation from only two or three watchmen, but He’s given me the top of them all with track records for accuracy that are impeccable. So, what I share with you is proven.

You’re probably wondering why I am sending you a 4th article on Afghanistan.

At first, I wrote this article around the atrocities of the Taliban and of Pakistan towards Christians and their own citizens. That is also included from pages 5-7. The mind-set of the haters of our Savior is one we must try to understand, for we will deal with them.

However! After finishing my article for posting, I received information from two very trustworthy sources that have shocking news to report that affect America seriously. 85-BILLON dollars-worth of highly sophisticated technology was left purposely by America for the Taliban – actually for China who is negotiating to buy a lot of it. What should that mean to the America citizens? I had to change the title of the article, too. But, it’s ready to be read now.

The long-time involvement of the C.I.A. in controlling the drug trade and what went on in Afghanistan is now coming to light. I wrote about it in a very important article under Present Reality that you really should read, or re-read: “The Drug Trafficking That Funds America’s Wars For a New World Order.”

In this article posted this morning in CST, I actually share some mind-boggling news, which I added after I thought the article was finished. It’s a miracle I got it all in, in 7 pages! You men who served in the military can relate to some of what Hal Turner reported on yesterday – as to the value of what we left to the Taliban. You can pray with wisdom!

When you understand the truth about WWII, who helped the Nazis win the war, and yes, they did win it, America brought in hundreds of top Nazi scientists in all fields, and mind-control specialists to put in top positions in America – to continue what Hitler wanted to do. Hitler, remember, made a lot of inroads with the Muslim nations, for they were useful, and still are, to globalist purposes in the Middle East. The infiltration of the C.I.A. into the Middle East early-on is amazing. I highly recommend Steve Quayle book Empire Beneath the Ice – How the Nazis Won World War II (

In this article, I expose the C.I.A. and its control of our nation’s created “organizations” for our use — the Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and lots of smaller organizations under C.I.A. care. So, what I present in this article is BREAKING NEWS that is numbing. It sets the U.S. military up to fulfill Jeremiah 50 and 51 – i.e. Jeremiah 50:28-32 especially. The spirit of the Medes in America is also in Isaiah 13 – a destroying army – also related to Revelation 18.

To conclude this article, I include a letter from an English group reporting on what’s going on with believers in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We must lay aside the shock of what’s happening and why to do with America, and reach out in prayer and love and finances if He leads, to help those who are working to protect Christians in these strict Muslim nations.

Biden wants to force August 31st as THE day to get Americans out from the airport in Kabul. He says, that IF they’re not out by the 31st, “bye – forever.” One thing we know about Joe is that we don’t know what he’s going to do. Everyday seems to bring on more horrors of his words and actions. The U.S. is becoming truly a shame among the nations.

Yahuwah is bringing judgment on all the evil that has led to the preparation of Nimrod to take his throne of world rule. I’ve been writing and telling a few things in podcasts, too, about that. He’s not going to lie in that vault too much longer.

So, I share with you what is going on to date. Please read this article and pass it on to those who need to know – not the curious, not the mockers and scoffers, not the “I don’t believe it,” bunch, but people who can pray, people who love Yahuwah’s born-again people.

In His love, Yedidah

August 26, 2021


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