Chag Sameach! Happy Sukkot!

“A Strong Message From Yahuwah for Sukkot 2021” is #57.0 under the Mikvah of the Covenant or “Recent Articles” on the main page.

This article has taken me nearly all day to write and it’s only 5 pages. You would not believe the spiritual warfare I’ve had to do to get this ready for posting. It contains revelation that is life-changing if you get hold of it – especially in regards to “after” Yom Kippur.

We have no time for anything now but living in the Presence of Yahuwah, in His Word, submitting to His Spirit, and serving the Master Yahushua in preparation for His return. I know – people gotta work, gotta feed the baby, hoe the garden, or what’s left of it, and waste time cleaning the house. Don’t you know it will just get dirty again? SMILE!!!

But, no matter what we’re doing, we can let our spirit bask in His Presence, and when we get a break from people, we can pray and praise. In fact, we must make time to get away from people long enough to touch base with the Master – even in the middle of the night.

I always hated house work – ironing and dusting in particular. Growing up, I liked climbing trees, sleeping in a tent in the backyard, rescuing stray cats and land turtles, walking and exploring, playing sports of varying kinds and playing chess too. I liked being in mud huts in Africa with their cow dung and mud floors. When the floors wear down a bit, you just put on another layer of cow dung and mud. My hostess said “it’s kind of like mopping.”

Why does modern culture have to complicate things so much? If the thatched roofs get old or catch on fire, the neighbors come with more thatching and repair it. If the hut falls in, the same – community love. They help each other.

I’ll tell you one thing – those living in the high recesses of the mountains of Kenya and Uganda are going to live longer than most people in the U.S. The world’s fallen angels and Nephilim are not zeroing in on natives in places where they’ve never seen white people. Interesting how many who live in those places know they are from Israel of the tribe of Judah. So many are born again. They’d come down from the high mountains so I could pray for them to receive the baptism into the Spirit. So many were former witchdoctors, or into some form of the dark kingdom. They know what it is like to be born again. Most only have a “New Testament” at most, yet they live for the Master.

I know, I lived among them – a fine lineage of people whose lineage goes back to Acts chapter 8 – to what the Ethiopian Finance Minister for Queen Candace took back to Ethiopia because of faithful Philip. Faithful Philip got transported from Gaza back to his work for Messiah in Samaria. It pays to be faithful to the Master – to be at the right place at the right time!!! Western comfort-loving culture has no concept of life in the Spirit – its thrills and excitement, joys, and privileges!

Abba has given me a revelatory message for you – it can be life-changing. It was for me. Enjoy Sukkot! This one may be our last, as we know it.

In His love, Yedidah

September 23, 2021

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