“5-G Weaponized Technology – Satan’s Newest Gift to Humanity and Planet Earth” is #116.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality or Recent Articles.
This is something you must be aware of as the war against our minds, emotions, and body, goes into full-play.
What appears to the world, and fascinates the intellectual mind, as advancement in technology is a hidden deadly killer – proven fact! Even the U.S. Congress knows it and tells on it.
It’s being beamed at you, and if beamed by the military can cause anything from your being microwaved like in a microwave oven, to totally burning you up from the inside out, like a microwave oven works.
Do you remember the pictures of trees I posted in the article on the California Wildfires that were being burned from the inside out? It has been proved to be a fact that the fires were produced and controlled by “targeting weapons.” Notice how houses were turned to ash, even the marble counter tops, while surrounding trees were not touched? I also wrote about this, with lots of pictures, in the article about the fires in Greece in 2018–cars along a street burned up and even flipped over, but the trees, grass, and houses along the street were untouched by any fire.
This article talks about the targeting weapons that can target an individual or a crowd and burn like those trees were burned. This article also tells of its use as a mind-control device, and how it affects our total central nervous system, and especially can harm the brain, produce cancer, and dehabilitate our soul and body to an extreme degree, even kill us. This technology to make your computer work faster is also technology that can destroy our ability to remain human.
This technology is being exposed at high levels. I have at least 10 articles on it so far. In this article, I give you the most concise information, in the best of the articles I have, plus my notes from one recent video by Justus Knight.
Everything to do without life on this planet, and everything to do with all life on this planet, even the life of the planet itself, has been polluted, corrupted, damaged, changed, and/or totally destroyed. Remember all the specific species of birds and fish that were targeted for death beginning in January 2011? That has not let up. The targeting technology can target specific DNA.
One of the articles touches on Voice-to-Skull technology, used by the military, to implant thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and feelings into our minds so that we react according to how they want us to act. That is very real. It’s all part of the Globalist plan to bring the world’s people into alignment with the coming world ruler, and the one world government agenda.
How do they plan to depopulate the earth of nearly 8 billion people faster than disease, famine, weather warfare, or even a world war? Read the article!
Another ultimate extinction-level technology has been unrolled for our pleasure and convenience. This one can depopulated whole areas. Its mini-towers will be placed 500 feet apart, so they don’t miss anyone? Learn all you can. Share the article with others. Ask Abba where He wants you, and obey quickly.
The cover of the Economist Magazine for January sends a silent message – it shows a big 2019 on a totally black background.
Be sure you’ve read my article “2019 – “Urgent…”
We must grow in strength day by day as we press into knowing our Abba and our Savior more and more. Knowing Their nature, how They think, how They do things, helps us be comfortable with Their directives and Their Presence.
In His shalom,
January 3, 2019
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