5-G: HAARP, the Military, and the Forerunning of Earth’s Destruction – Part V

Shabbat Shalom! Happy 12th Month of Adar…

Adar was expected to begin January 26th as reported by Devorah Gordon, but I didn’t follow through to learn the exact date, 26th or 27th. Anyway, folks we’re in Ada!. No doubt about it, we’ll have an Adar Bet! Passover is expected by April 8th but we’ll get the specifics in March for Aviv and the New Festival Year.

This article “5-G: HAARP, the Military, and the Forerunning of Earth’s Destruction” is loaded with forerunning information, in quotes from the classic book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich and Dr. Jeanne Manning. It is #169.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality or “Recent Articles.”

5-G is not an upgrade from 4-G. It is a totally new technology promising faster internet communication. However, that’s only the red bow on the Christmas package. Inside the box is death. Learn all about this “weapon” that is being used by the military, and H.A.A.R.P. For pictures of the HAARP facility, refer to Part II.

The true just keeps pressing through the lies. This headline from infowars.com is surprising, but not shocking: “Big Tech doesn’t want this video seen, so be sure to defy Silicon Valley elitists by sharing this link” – Greg Reese | Infowars.com – January 30, 2020 – “In this Infowars Special Report, Greg Reese connects the dots between the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and a Netflix docuseries pitching vaccines as a solution to outbreaks, Wuhan’s recent launch of 5G and warnings from experts who say 5G could cause “flu-like symptoms.”

     Be sure you’ve read Part I of my series to see the long list of 5-G health risks.

Yes, 5-G is capable of creating a long list of health problems, even confirmed cases of children dropping dead in schools that use 5-G, because of the intense radiation that affects the heart and other inner organs. My question is, why would China launch the potentially lethal 5-G “weapon” just before the late December outbreak of the coronavirus? Is it possible that the two are connected? It’s sure possible!

     I will be writing a part VI and perhaps a part VII on this topic.

     Also, now we learn that this Trump-Kushner peace “deal of a century” was signed in 2004 under Ariel Sharon. That sheds more light on why the horrible Gaza “disengagement.” The infrastructure for it began to be built in 2005, after removing over 8,000 Jews from Gaza and giving it over to Hamas. I remember the check points along the main highway from Tel Aviv, but did not connect it to the Gaza horror.  Trump and Kushner are just the front men to get it pushed through all the way, now with the billions pledged for it from Arab oil-rich nations, and the giving of the temple mount to Saudi Arabia’s control. 

This is Part V of a 6-7 part series under the Mikvah of Present Reality

Be sure you’ve read:

“5-G – Satan’s Latest Gift to Humanity and Planet Earth” written January 2019

The Series:

1) “5-G: 1896-2020 – From the Discovery of Radio Waves to Enclosing the Earth in a Microwave Oven” (Part I)

2) “5-G: Deadly Radiation is Covering the Earth – The History, the Build-Up, and the Unleashing” (Part II) [PLEASE NOTE PICTURES OF HAARP]

3) “5-G: It’s Reality! Yet Our Powerful Ability To Rise Above It” (Part III)

4) “5-G: Radiation Darkness is Covering the Earth: Fukushima, the Marshall Islands, America’s Nuclear Reactors, Earthquake Faults and Sea Coasts” (Part IV) and this new one

5) “5-G: HAARP, the Military, and the Forerunning of Earth’s Destruction” (Part V)

Please share this information with others!

In His love, Yedidah

January 31, 2020



5-G: HAARP, the Military, and the Forerunning of Earth's Destruction
5-G: HAARP, the Military, and the Forerunning of Earth's Destruction
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